Kartik Holiest month 

Kartik is the holiest month of all the months. It usually overlaps with the months October & November in the English calendar. Kartik Maas, also known as Damodar Maas, is described in the scriptures as the best among months for performing austerities. Kartik or the festival of offering lamps to Lord Krishna, glorifies Lord Krishna’s pastime of being bound with ropes by Mother Yashoda. Observing vrata in the month of Kartik is glorified in the Puranas."durlabho bhakti-yogo me mama vasya-vidhayakah

  karttike mathurayam ca vratenanena labhyate"

“Pure devotional service to Me which, because it places Me under My devotee’s dominion, is very difficult to attain, is easily attained by following this vow in Mathura during Kartika.”

Vaishnava Calendar

Festivals and Observances

Calculation of date and time is for Balasore, Odisha, India 086E55 21N29 +5.30.

The date of festivals and observances and the parana time (time to break the fast) may be different in other places.

Changes, errors and typos reserved.


14 Oct 2024

Ekādaśī 06:44, G, Sunrise-Set 05:38-17:18, Śatabhiṣā *00:44

+Dvādaśī up to *03:45


+Fasting and special rules for 4th month of Cāturmāsya-vrata begins today for those observing from Ekādaśī

+Beginning of Ūrjā-vrata, Kārtika-vrata, Dāmodara-vrata and Niyama-sevā for those observing from Ekādaśī

+Śrīla Raghunātha dāsa Gosvāmī ~ Disappearance

+Śrīla Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa Gosvāmī ~ Disappearance

+Śrīla Kṛṣṇadāsa Kavirāja Gosvāmī ~ Disappearance

15 Oct 2024

Trayodaśī *00:22, G, Sunrise-Set 05:38-17:18, Pūrvabhādra 22:10

+Break fast 08:24 - 09:28

16 Oct 2024

Caturdaśī 20:43, G, Sunrise-Set 05:39-17:17, Uttarabhādra 19:19

17 Oct 2024

Pūrṇimā 16:58, G, Sunrise-Set 05:39-17:16, Revatī 16:22

+Śrī Kṛṣṇa Saradiya rāsa-yātrā

+Śrī Murāri Gupta ~ Disappearance

+Śrī Śrīmad Bhakti Prajñāna Keśava Gosvāmī Mahārāja ~ Disappearance

+Beginning of Ūrjā-vrata, Kārtika-vrata, Dāmodara-vrata and Niyama-sevā for those observing from Pūrṇimā

+Fasting and special rules for 4th month of Cāturmāsya-vrata begins today for those observing from Pūrṇimā

+For one month fast from sesame seeds, mustard seeds, sesame oil, mustard oil, eggplants, tomatoes, loki, parmal, urad dahl and honey. No shaving for brahmacārīs and sannyāsais.

+Sun enters Libra

+Ākāśa Dīpikā begins (offering lamp to the sky for one solar month)

Śrī Śrī Dāmodarāṣṭakam

This song is sung during the Month of Kartik, also known as the month of Damodara. As quoted in the Sri Hari-Bhakti-Vilasa, "In the month of Kartika one should worship Lord Damodara and daily recite the prayer known as Damodarastaka, which has been spoken by the sage Satyavrata and which attracts Lord Damodara. (Sri Hari-bhakti-vilasa 2.16.198).”


Śrī Govinda Dāmodara Stotraṁ

by Śrī Bilvamaṅgalācārya


The Govinda-Damodhara Stotram is the ecstatic outpouring of pure unalloyed Bhakti to Lord Krishna. Bilvamangala Thakura pictures in his prayer all the devotees of Lord Krishna, sharing his ecstasy. Intoxicated by Krishnas names, they do not talk of anything else under all circumstances, despite any situation they are in.

  • Maha Mantra
  • Maha Mantra
  • Maha Mantra
  • Maha Mantra
  • Maha Mantra
Maha Mantra1 Maha Mantra2 Maha Mantra3 Maha Mantra4 Maha Mantra5